mercoledì 4 dicembre 2013

Christmas gift of the day. Lady Gaga - "GAGADOLL"


(English description to follow Japanese) 『GAGADOLL』は、LADY GAGAのNew Album『ARTPOP』発売を記念して、日本の最先端技術の粋を集めて生み出され­¬た、世界初・LADY GAGAそっくりの等身大人間型試聴機です。
特殊なシリコン成形によって、LADY GAGAのリアルな表情やきめ細やかな肌を再現。GAGADOLLの胸に顔を当てて抱­きしめると、内蔵された骨伝導スピーカーによって¬『ARTPOP』の楽曲と本人から­のメッセージを試聴することができます。

Japan's latest and finest technologies were put into the creation of the "GAGADOLL". It's the world's first life-size human-shaped listening station that closely resembles Lady Gaga. The bone conduction system enables one to listen to her songs and message.
The "GAGADOLL" was inspired by the concept of "ARTPOP" and this masterpiece made by Japan's master craftsmen has been highly-praised by Lady Gaga herself.

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